Texter’s Neck

Technology has been a large part of making our lives easier and improving our quality of life. Over the last 30 years with the increasing usage of computers, and smart phones particularly in the last 10 years, the ill effects of these technologies on our health have become more apparent. We know all too well about carpal tunnel syndrome, short sightedness, and the risks associated with sedentary sitting, but the term Texter’s Neck is becoming more common. This is due to the flexion (bending forward) of the head for prolonged periods of time.

On average, one’s head weighs 5 Kg (11lbs.). When it sits in the proper position the force of gravity is compressive so there is little energy needed to hold the head up. With movement however, the head flexes and creates a torque vector, so there are more physical forces the body has to contend with. Our muscles and ligaments are designed to deal with these forces in short periods of time. When we stay in the flexed position for long periods of time, such as when we stare down at our phones texting away, these muscles and ligaments begin to fail. This will lead to tissue damage, sprains, strains, and pain in the neck and shoulders.

As a chiropractor, I see the affects repeated strains sprains and tissue damage on a daily basis. Many of my patients experience neck pain, which is completely understandable considering how much time we all spend on our handheld devices both for work and pleasure. Your main concern over the long term is that these issues will lead to a change in the curve of your neck. This is the start of osteoarthritis of the cervical (neck) spine. The spinal cord goes through this area to connect the body to the brain. This connection is vital to a healthy and happy body.

We only get one spine and it needs to last our lifetime, so it’s important to have it checked and maintained by a chiropractor.